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Ongoing Projects



The USAID TB-LON 3 Project is implemented by the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) in four Southwestern states of Nigeria, namely Lagos, Ogun, Osun, and Oyo. The goal of the project is to innovatively engage all stakeholders in finding missing Tuberculosis (TB) cases by rapidly scaling up tuberculosis services. It is also strengthening resilient and sustainable systems for tuberculosis control.

Project Achievements from April 2020 to April 2024
S/No Indicator Number
1 Individuals eligible for screening 22,792,097
2 Individuals screened 20,491,115 (90%)
3 Individuals with presumptive cases 1,386,287 (7%)
4 Presumptive cases evaluated 1,345,734 (96%)
5 Individuals diagnosed with tuberculosis 109,486 (8%)
6 Individuals enrolled on treatment for tuberculosis 103,900 (95%)

Through community implementation and collaborative partnership, the TB-LON 3 Project is building a sustainable functional network targeted at curbing the spread of tuberculosis. It provides rapid TB case finding, improved treatment outcomes, and strengthened monitoring and evaluation.

  • Facility intensified case finding: provider-initiated screening, cascade monitoring, prompt evaluation, and treatment.
  • Community Active Case Finding: House-to-house screening; Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM), hotspot mapping, community outreaches, and mobile x-ray services.
  • Contact Investigation Management: Contact tracing, screening, testing, treatment, Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy (TPT)
  • Public Private Mix Engagement: Intensified Case Finding through formal & informal providers.
  • Domestic Resource Mobilization: Mobilizing resources for tuberculosis in the public and private sectors.
  • Laboratory optimization: Human resources, equipment, maintenance and commodities.

Other project goals include:

  • Scaling up TB Services to targeted communities in 103 Local Government Areas and strengthening their systems to provide quality TB
  • Expand coverage for comprehensive tuberculosis services to over 1,900 healthcare facilities and notify 121,156 individuals in Ogun, Osun, Oyo and Lagos States with TB during the five-year project period.
  • Reducing the burden of tuberculosis in the four supported states and by extension Nigeria (ranked as the country with the highest burden for TB, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa.

The project has engaged in innovative approaches like sensitization and screening for tuberculosis in correctional and rehabilitation centers, schools, and National Youth Service Corps (NYSC camps) across the states. It has also established school health clubs in the state to educate students to serve as advocates in the fight against tuberculosis.

IHVN is implementing the project in collaboration with Centre for Integrated Health Program (CIHP), Loving Gaze, Society for Family Health (SFH).



Map showing the states where IHVN is implementing the USAID TB LON project

Picture 1: Members of one of the school health clubs established by the USAID TB LON 3 project during the inauguration of the club. The clubs empower students, teachers, and parents to be advocates to create awareness, fight stigma, and support others affected by tuberculosis.

Picture 2: USAID TB LON 3 project community team enroute Irewe community through the water ways for tuberculosis sensitization and screening activities.